Fijian lovo is a distinctive style of cooking and at Mokusiga Villas we love to embrace this!
Lovo is a very traditional method of cooking being used for centuries, with knowledge passed down through generations.
The Fijian people have a strong culture of sharing and a lovo is often reserved for large celebrations in Fijian villages.
Experiencing a Fijian lovo is a must do! This cultural evening is a fantastic mix of activities and delicious indigenous food. A variety of fish, meats and root crop vegetables are wrapped in coconut leaves, placed on red-hot stones and covered with soil. Salads and condiments accompany this very enjoyable banquet style feast.

Take part in this traditional experience from early afternoon, begin with setting the fire, basket weaving and coconut husking demonstrations. Participate in a cultural ceremony during sunset, allow Fiji's iconic drink kava to tickle your taste buds while you wait for the feast to cook.
Unveil the food from the hot stones and devour the incredible heritage of the local Fijian culture! Sing the night away with serenading from our guitarist, and complete your evening with a bonfire on the beach!